Thursday, January 9, 2014

Japanese entertainment centres

In Australia, our arcades are limited in range and expensive, japan still has a booming trade in there's but they have much more than slot machines and Mario cart. I was taken to one with a wicked bowling centre, where due to long nails they gave me some massive band aids to sve the pain, I put one on the wrong fingers but went with it. It had been a while, on the top level there was tennis archery,  socker nets etc, in the open air, and down one level was rollerscating among other things loads of fun, the Japanese tend not to wear helmets so i was the odd one wearing a helmet. I always do.
Lots of fun was had this day, though my shoulders are still tired 4 days later

Fuji San day 2

Day 2 of the trip to Fuji San, we drove up around half way since the top section is closed during winter, it was a Barmy -5 degrees Celsius. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

The day after the last post, we headed to Fuji San, this is something you really have to see in person, the volcano honestly dominates the landscape. we stopped in a small town at the base, famous for many of its ponds, that are incredibly clear, almost all had carp swimming in them and coins thrown in the bottom. Though please don't throw more in, they tend to eat them and that usually ends badly for the carp! 
We stayed the night at a hotel outlooking onto Fuji San, and it was one heck of a view. My room was really noisy because of a fan I couldn't find to turn off, so I didn't sleep overly well.
 I'll be posting a second post about Fuji San too, since I havnt yet put the photos from day 2 on my tablet, but we drove up as far as we could and part of the road sings for you on the way up. You'll hear it soon. 
Matta ne.

Kimono and tea

Kimono is always such a joy for me. This time I was lucky enough to borrow the skills of 2 professional kimono dressers, and borrow a beautiful kimono and obi. While I tried to put it on myself, someone's hands were usually in the way, But they did a wonderful job on the obi, I've always loved bunko, but havnt really been able to ever do a good job. I learnt some great tricks from them, a big thankyou.
Now we weren't just in kimono for no reason. I was given my first chance to participate in tea ceremony. Our host, is a student of the Urenasuke school of tea. And I was surprised to find the ceremony quite different to what I had imagined, we chatted throughout the whole thing, and each step was explained to me, it was increadably interesting and fun, though my legs stung a bit from the seizure (practice!) The lady sitting next to me in the yellow kimono is the wonderful daughter of one of the lions members, she took the time to translate for me on several occasions during the last few weeks. I owe her a lot, thank you so much!
The day was fantastic fun, lots of beautiful kimono, a special drop in was the man in the hat, who was hilarious and seriously cool.  
Thank you so much everyone for making this such a great day

Saturday, January 4, 2014

2nd jan 2014

On the 2nd, my okaasan asked one of her friends, who is a pro if she could dress me in furisode. Since this year is my 20th year I would be celebrating Seijin no hi soon. And furisode is the most common wear for women. The kimono is my host fathers sisters, and beautiful.  The day though was to participate in a Shinto "excorism" as we translated it for one of the lions members transport companies. I was asked to physically participate, by giving an offering of a sacred branch and praying at the small shrine. I have to say it was fascinating!
After we visited another 2 shrines, where I again rang the gong, this time the wind was strong so my sleeves went mental :D

 I did my own hair, surprisingly easy when you know how :D